Music videos by Egotrip Productions
These are music videos directed by Egotrip Productions (Allison Moore and Arthur Desmarteaux) for CherfunK band and also for Simone Records label in 2014 and 2015. These were created for the songs “Trop tard pour ça” by CherfunK (Alexis Martin and François Richard) as well as “Docteur C” and “Transsibérien” by Julien Sagot. The video for CherfunK was conceptualized in the spirit of our shadow plays, using puppets made out of cardboard and acetate as well as video projections as a light source. Video compositing, editing and visual effects were created by Allison Moore. The set for “Docteur C” was constructed with the help of Ricky Lee Owens and Julia Thomas according to Ames Room optical illusion. Ricky Lee Owens also interprets the coakroach character in this same piece.
I designed the costumes for “Transsibérien” which were made by Philippe Massé. Sketches and storyboards for these projects are included on this page. We are interested in making more music videos and if you want to produce one with us, reach us here and it will be a pleasure to collaborate: (egotrip(a)

Music video for “Docteur C” song by Montreal based composer Julien Sagot, HD video, 2015, directed by Egotrip Productions (original concept), produced by Simone Records label. Starring Julien Sagot and Ricky Lee Owens in a coackroach costume designed by Allison Moore.

“Transsibérien” music video created for Montreal based musician Julien Sagot and Simone Records label . Starring former Staya duo (dancer Stacey Desilets and circus artist Yann Leblanc.

Music video for “Trop tard pour ça” (Too Late for That) song by CherfunK music band from Montreal (keyboard by François Richard and drums by Alexis Martin). Original concept and direction by Egotrip Productions, HD video, 2014 (edited by Allison Moore).